Thursday, 17 February 2011

CD cover development

As I want to create a professional looking CD cover and poster package, I used photoshop to do this. Using various layers of images and masking tools to create the desired effect.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Ancillary task photoshoot

Here are some of the photographs we took to use on our ancillary tasks. We decided to keep our artist in the same clothing as the performance shots in our music video. This is in keeping with the codes and conventions of our genre, as most album covers use photographs of artists in performance clothing.

Monday, 14 February 2011


We have started to edit our music video using iMovie. We started by roughly cutting the performance scenes together to form our basic storyboard frame for the performance. We will later add in the narrative scenes to complete the music video, and then upload the song and sync up the music and performance. We decided that by cutting between each shot quite rapidly to keep up with the pace of the song. Some of the shots are dark so we may need to lighten them using the editing software.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Location planning

Now that we've decided on the main content of our music video and have thought about our locations, we can plan exactly where we're going to film. Some of the shots are mixed performance and narrative, and therefore will be listed as both.

Performance shots locations:
- Drama studio on stage. Use of lights and black curtain.
Emma's house
- Bedroom, on bed. Large and well lit.
- Bedroom, mirror.
- Garden, Bench. Attractive setting.
- Outside house.

Narrative shot locations:
- School canteen. Gives the impression of the performers age. Large area to work with.
Emma's house
- Garden, back door.
- Garden, Bench.
- Bedroom, on bed.
- Outside house.