Tuesday 16 November 2010

Codes and Conventions

After looking at several music video's within our group, of other artists similar to Katy Perry we have come to some conclusions about the codes and conventions of our genre.
All of the music video's we analysed gave the impression of a suppressed woman coming into power and control over the situation. Generally these women were in bad relationships and have 'got their own back' on their previous partner, or have completely disregarded men at all. This is a reverse to the traditional view of women as the weaker sex, but sees them as stronger and independent. In Lily Allen's video for the song Smile, she pays a gang to beat up her partner. Even though the viewer can clearly see Lily Allen is doing wrong, there is a feeling of justice and justification. In our music video we will bend this convention slightly, by showing our artist as weak in the beginning, however getting stronger and becoming happier with herself.

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