1. How old are you?
8 and below (0)
9-12 || (2)
13-16 |||||| (6)
17-20 ||||||||| (9)
21-24 || (2)
25+ | (1)
(Main age of participants - 17-20)
What is your favourite genre of music?
Pop ||||||||||||| (13)
Rock/metal | (1)
Indie |||| (4)
D&B || (2)
Rap/Hip hop
Other (please specify)...
(Most liked music genre - pop)
Do you prefer male or female artists?
Male ||||||||| (9)
Female ||||||||||| (11)
(Most liked gender of artists - female)
Do you prefer bands or solo artists?
Solo |||||||||||||||| (16)
Bands |||| (4)
(Preferred artists - solo)
How well does a strong narrative work in a music video?
Very well || (2)
Well ||||||||| (9)
Average |||||| (6)
Badly || (2)
Very badly | (1)
(Thoughts on narrative - works well)
How well do shots of live performances work in a music video?
Very well | (1)
Well ||||||| (7)
Average ||||||| (7)
Badly ||||| (5)
Very badly
(Thoughts on live performances - well/average)
In a pop genre music video what colouring scheme works best? (e.g. Katy Perry, Girls Aloud, JLS)
Bright ||||||||||||| (13)
Dull || (2)
Pastels |||| (4)
Dark/shadow | (1)
(Preferred colour scheme - bright)
In a pop genre music video which combination of people works better?
All female |||| (4)
All male || (2)
Mostly male ||||| (5)
Mostly female |||||| (6)
Mixed genders ||| (3)
(Preferred combination of people - mostly female)
What setting works best in a pop genre music video? (You can choose more than 1)
Natural outdoors (field, park, beach etc.) ||||||||||||||| (15)
Industrial outdoors (car park, on top of buildings, school etc.) |||||| (6)
Natural (domestic, everyday life etc.) ||||||||||| (11)
Surreal (animated, in space etc.) ||||| (5)
Busy (party, festival etc.) ||||||||| (9)
Quiet (alone, library etc.) ||||||||| (9)
At night (dark) |||| (4)
During the day (sunny) |||||||||||||||| (16)
During the day (rainy) ||| (3)
(Preferred settings - natural outdoors, natural, sunny, busy, quiet)