Sunday 16 January 2011

Initial video ideas

With our music video we want to try and recreate the emotions that the lyric's imply. With a serious upset emotion, angry and also revengeful and then happy. However, instead of using the theme of a romantic relationship, we have decided to do a friendship, the break down and the formation of a new friendship, we have chosen to do this because of the environment we have available to us, a school. The video will take place in natural settings, similar to Lily Allen's video for the fear. We have decided on a all female cast because of the female artist singing. We want to main focus to be our leading female character/'artist', who will be played by the same person for performance and for narrative. We will try and use different shots to create an interesting video to watch. The performance will take place in the settings of the narrative, but will also take place on a stage.

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