Comparing music videos with the relevant album and posters there is generally no real connection, unlike films and their promotional packages which are connected very closely. Our music video and the rest of our promotional package are not closely linked. Our music video connects with the lyrics of the song we chose, and the song we chose is a part of the album. We used the same location for the pictures in our ancillary task as the shots we took for the stage performance shots, we also used the same outfit. This is effective because it gives the impression that the ancillary products and the music video are part of the same product package. The idea of everything as one package, is to create an image of the artist and send out an impression to the public. By the video, album, and poster being slightly different, this creates a wider target audience for the artist.
During our music video our artist appears to be quite cheeky, and outspoken. I tried to convey this in the pictures chosen for my ancillary task, I did this by choosing a photograph for the front cover of her with a cheeky smile, the insert photograph she's in a performance position and looks very comfortable in who she is, and the back cover she's standing with her hand on her hip. All of these pictures show a connection to moments of self confident attitude which are also present in our music video.

Here is a screenshot of a similar position during the music video compared to one on my album cover.
The title of the album 'One of the boys' also fits with the self confidence attitude theme running through, as it gives the impression of being a tom boy.
I kept to the theme of stars for my album cover and insert. This was so it wasn't bitty and came together nicely. On the insert is the lyrics of the song we used, as in many album covers they list the lyrics of the songs. Click here to see my completed album artwork, and here to see my completed poster.
I think it's important to have some similarities between the poster and the album cover but also to give the fans a taste of something different. I used some of the same font and colours on the poster as on the album, I also put a picture of the album cover on the poster advertising it's release.
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