NarrativeThe video opens with a girl lead on her bed in her dressing gown on a laptop, she picks up her phone and theres an over the shoulder shot of the message she has just recieved, it cuts back to the long shot of her lead on the bed and it is obvious that she clicks play on her laptop and this is when the song begins. There are several shots of her face. Then the video cuts to several long shots which change rapily of the girl in different outfits which fits the lyrics 'You change your mind, like a girl changes clothes.'
PerformanceThere is now a shot of the girl sat on her bed singing, the video then cuts between several shots of the girl on the bed, a series of long shots, extreme close ups, close ups and midshots. It is clear by her facial expressions that shes fed up and slighly annoyed by the situation. We cut to a close up of the artist on stage singing the chorus, she is dressed in a black dress and looks comfortable on stage. The video cuts between long shots, mid shots, close ups and extreme close ups of the girl on stage peforming. The video cuts back to the girl on the bed and she sings a short part then cuts back to her on stage.
NarrativeThere is a long shot of the girl opening her wardrobe, we then cut to a matching action shot of her opening a door into her back garden. She looks confused, goes back through the door then comes out again in a different outfit, and looks pleased with herself. The video then cuts to a midshot of the girl in the outfit that she just changed into sat on a bench with another girl playing slapping games. Both girls look very happy go lucky, laughing.
PerformanceSame shot of the girls sat on the bench. This time the friend is sat looking bored. The artist is sat next to her also looking bored and annoyed, but singing into the camera. The girl also sings to the friend next to her, the friend will not notice her singing, she is very still as if frozen. There is then a close up of the girl singing into the camera. Back to the midshot of the two girls on the bench, this time the artist is sat on the back of the bench singing at the friend, the artist looks very angry and appears to be shouting at the friend.
NarrativeThere is another shot of the two girls on the bench, they are mirroring each others body language, and both look annoyed and fed up.
PerformanceThere is a midshot of the girl now sat outside of her house in a different outfit, she is still singing to the camera. This time she looks as if she is waiting for someone. The video cuts between a selection of shots such as longshot, mid shot and close ups of the girl sat outside of the house during this verse.
NarrativeThere is a shot from behind the girl of her looking up and down the road, to see if anyones coming. There is a then a shot above her head, again showing her looking around for anybody.
PerformanceThere a few more shots of the girl singing into the camera outside of a house.
NarrativeThere is an over the shoulder shot of the friend walking towards the girl, there are more shots showing the girl waving at the friend but being ignored. There is then a mid shot of the girl looking upset that she has been ignored by her friend.
PerformanceFor the bridge of the song, we chose a shot of the girl singing into a hair brush looking into her mirror and singing into the camera. There will be a shot of her from the side singing, and then cutting between that and an over the shoulder shot so her reflection is visible in the mirror of her singing. Both of these shots are close ups. We then cut back to the shot of the girl performing on stage, this shot will be a close up to match the shots just taken in the mirror. The video will then cut between all of the previous shots used in each locaion.
NarrativeSeveral of the shots on the bench, where the girl and the friend are not talking will be in amongst that of the performance shots during the end chorus. Once the song has ended, the video will cut back to the girls on the bench laughing at hugging.